1、为亲提供三篇吧!第一篇:The most successful person I know personal is Arthur Conan Doyle(柯南 道尔)。
2、a famous British detective novelist and playwright. He was born in 1859 and died in 1930.He had ever been a doctor for over 10 years and after then he devoted himself to detective novels.He was first famous for Micah Clarke(四签名).Later on,the novels described about more than 60 stories based on the detective called Sherlock Holmes(福尔摩斯). Nowadays, still,many readers are fond of the novels written by Conan Doyle.The logic illation attracts readers ***.As a result ,the novels brought a great success to Conan Doyle.He became well-known all over the world.第二篇:The most successful person I know personal is the first President of the United States, George Washington, fought in some ofthe famous battles of the Revolutionary War and risked his life and reputation for the values be believed in. He was a hero to the people of colonial America because he had qualities important to them; qualities such a sbravery and statesmanship.第三篇:The most successful person I know personal is Mark ***.As we all know, Laughter is the best medicine. In my view, Mark Twain, the man who had his own sense of humor is a successful person. Actually, Mark is one of the most famous writers in the world. He put his heart in paying attention to darkness in the society at that time. His articles are so wonderful that some of them are still popular nowadays. His humor is also like the fire. It takes the pain away, and burns the crime. How respectable he was! In addition, I have learned to be happy every day. It is just like an old saying, ‘We learn not at school, but in life.’ I will try to study in order to live well in the future. No doubt, Mark Twain is a successful person. Don’t you think so.个人最偏好第三篇!。
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